375 N FM 548 Suite 100, Forney, TX 75126
Mon - Fri: 8 - 7:30 Sat: 8 - 5:30 Sun: 10 - 5:30


How you pay for your health care will depend on whether you have health insurance and the type of coverage you have. Your health plan may pay for all or part of the cost of your care. Call your insurance plan administrator or medical network to ensure there are no limitations to your access to Care United. If you have questions about your account please feel free to contact us at 972-564-0044.

Currently, we are in network with the following insurance carriers:

Workers Compensation Contracts:

Other Contracts:


We are in the application process to be in-network with the following insurance carriers:


This list is not all inclusive. If you are interested in using Care United and your plan or network is not listed above call them and ask if Care United Medical Center is an approved option for you. In most instances, we will bill your insurance company for you. After your insurance is billed, you will be responsible for any amount that is not covered.